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Informing Education

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Resources that facilitate data; collection, synthesis, analysis and target setting. Collaboratively designed with practitioners, to add value to existing data sets through contextualisation, and make provision for the collection of pupil performance data in the classroom.




Resources that facilitate data; collection, synthesis, analysis and target setting. Collaboratively designed with practitioners, to add value to existing data sets through contextualisation, and make provision for the collection of pupil performance data in the classroom.
Diamond ranking, class monitoring / analysis

Diamond ranking, class monitoring / analysis

Description: An AfL document that allows teachers to monitor a pupil progress over the duration of a lesson, topic or term. Objective: Allows you to monitor a whole class. You can make a comparison between students utilising the diamond ranking system. This could be put on the back of a lesson plan, or put on the board. Assessment: I use the circles to put the initials of students in, or if I am monitoring boys’ behaviour or effort in relation to girls, colours can also be useful. Expectations: This can be used for continuing assessment of a multitude of things.
Class monitoring and/or assessment

Class monitoring and/or assessment

Description: A simple spreadsheet that allows teachers and students to monitor their progress over the course of a project. Using a simple two section layout teachers and pupils can see their progress relative to other pupils. Students can easily fill the cell in once they have completed a specific task green, amber to state that it is started and red if they have not started at all. A teacher only document is still being developed. Prior Knowledge: Students need a brief introduction to the interface and how to change the cell colour.
Attainment 8 Estimate tables and comparison: 2015 - 2017

Attainment 8 Estimate tables and comparison: 2015 - 2017

An excel file which collates all of the attainment 8 estimate tables from 2015 to 2017 shadow measures released by the DfE 30 March 2017. Included in the file are the unvalidated and validated versions of 2016 estimates presented alongside the new 2017 shadow measures as a line chart. Differences between the estimates have also been calculated and presented alongside each other for quick comparison. This file saves time, preventing the need for you to collate and tabulate the information yourself.
Pupil Mapping - Tracking progress

Pupil Mapping - Tracking progress

This document can be used to track the progress and/or acquisition of new knowledge/skills over a period time. This could be to track a student, group or whole class over a lesson, week, topic or term to visually present what progress has been made. Use initials, names, colour, pupil codes etc. The example illustrates one way in which the 'map' can be used.
Reading Diary Bookmark: Track pupils' reading over time

Reading Diary Bookmark: Track pupils' reading over time

A ready to use resource that allows pupils and teachers to monitor the speed of pupil's reading. This can be printed driectly to card, cut out and used immediately. Pupils complete the diary routinely with the date and page number. A range of colours have been developed so reading groups can be easily identified for intervntion/differentiation purposes. Further reading resoucres will soon be available, reviews and ideas are welcome to support the design process.
Pupil mapping chart

Pupil mapping chart

A simple chart layout which can be used to plot pupils from a class against each other using two criteria; effort and attainment/progress. This allows the practitioner to record a pupils effort and a chosen second criteria as a scatter graph. A series of these could be used over time to identify changes in effort levels, alternatively a chart could be used for an individual pupil recording dates instead of their initials.
Pupil Premium Case Study (MS Word Template)

Pupil Premium Case Study (MS Word Template)

A three-part Pupil Premium (PP) case study template, fully editable in MS Word. This allows schools to quickly profile the interventions being implemented to support disadvantaged pupils. It has been designed for secondary schools but can be easily contextualised for all stages of education. Each stage has been presented separately on the document but page breaks could be easily removed if you wanted to consoldiate the document. The structure and content has been base upon good practice across public education and in-line with Ofsted expectations. Please use this to profile successful intervention and those less-successful interventions where the school has had less effect due to factors outside of their control.
Classroom 'Exit Card' - AfL, pupil feedback etc.

Classroom 'Exit Card' - AfL, pupil feedback etc.

A simple word document that has six 'exit cards' per page. Teachers can type, copy and paste a question to ask all students to complete as a plenary/mini-plenary to consolidate learning and assess their knowledge and understanding of a term, concept etc. Alternatively this could be used for pupil feedback, self-assessment etc. for the lesson or a learning resource. This simple sheet provides a simple, yet effective method of communication between the teacher and pupil.
Assessment - Spelling Correction Worksheet

Assessment - Spelling Correction Worksheet

Used as part of a department's formative assessment strategy this worksheet allows teachers or peers to identify up to six words that a student has misspelled. (Any more and multiples sheets can be used.) The 'marker' writes the words in the space provided before issuing to the pupil, who then copy out the correct spelling five times. The sheet can then be stuck into an exercise book to evidence teacher assessment, student progress etc. Printing the sheets onto a coloured paper i.e. green for assessment. This makes them more impactful.
Teacher Excel Markbook

Teacher Excel Markbook

This excel spreadsheet can be used to record student's grades. Using a 1-10 system you can record their marks and it will automatically average the grade. If you enter J, K or L in capitals (which is converted into a smiley face) in the effort column it will also average their effort grade. This provides formative feedback and allows progress to be monitored. This is a concept and could easily be adapted for specific use, i.e. Assessment without levels, BTEC etc.
Updated: Peer Assessment. Classwork, exercise book, final product or model

Updated: Peer Assessment. Classwork, exercise book, final product or model

A peer assessment task that allows pupils to assess a peer's classwork, final product or model that they have completed. It also allows peers to set a target for improvement. Objective: Encourage pupils to create a balanced, critical view when evaluating a product. By promoting the evaluation of someone else's work, they are able to look at the product objectively without bias, particularly if the product they evaluate is not that of the person they sit next to. Assessment: It can be used to inform AoL and formally documented by a teacher, or used more readily in session by a teacher who can then recall common targets for improvement, discussing with Q&A how these could be achieved. Prior Knowledge: The criteria of the project, which will have been set by the classroom teacher or discussed in the form of a specification possibly. Expectations: Pupils should begin to create a balanced, structured argument about products in general. They should use their K&U along with their experiences to identify and set appropriate targets for themselves and their peers. Hints: These can be folded, hole punched and, with some string, tied to the product. To save on labour, the kids can do this, and it creates a simple practical element to the evaluation. Another way to do this is to print them, cut them out and glue them together. Laminate them and the pupils can then complete them with water-based markers, which can easily be wiped off. This is more time-consuming, but saves time in the lesson and saves materials in the long run
D&T Literacy mats - Investigate, design, make and evaluate

D&T Literacy mats - Investigate, design, make and evaluate

Four A3 literacy mats to support students whilst working in D&T. These include words that may be used for tasks in each of the areas of the subject (please note where words apply to multiple areas these are duplicated). The mats also include punctuation that students should use and guidance for a specific task in each area. Investigate - Design specification Design - Annotation Make - Flowchart Evaluate - Evaluation against specification This guidance is provided to support tasks. Sheets are colour coded and can be printed and laminated, PDF file format ensures that these can be easily viewed on mobile devices and through a projector. Easily scaled down or up using Adobe Reader whilst printing.